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Union is the largest governing power in the galaxy, with most of its bureaucracy located on Cradle. Their state is communal and post-capital.

Lead by the Third Committee, Union aims to integrate all colonies and become united under a single front. Blink gates, the omninet, and manna are the three points of power in which Union manages their state.



Union Administrative Department

As the largest department of Union, UAD is also one of the most important. The UAD trains, sends, and manages administrators sent to diasporan states, where they work with the local governing bodies to integrate the world. Reports are sent back to UAD by administrators, and development goals are based on instruction from CentComm.

For ease of identification, all Union administrators wear the same grey suit uniform, with a silver pip worn on the collar to denote their position. An administrator will typically work with an NHP, fitted to a subaltern with a similar matte grey finish.

Trainees, usually children, are chosen based on a number of criteria from all over the galaxy. They spend their apprenticeships, which can last for decades, at campuses on satellites across the galaxy, alongside the subaltern NHP that will graduate and eventually work with them. They also spend a number of years on Cradle to connect with humanity's history. Following graduation, they are then eventually posted on a world and must choose a new, local name to better integrate into the culture. Their old identity is considered "dead".[1]

Union Naval Department

Naval Department – Auxiliary Program

Naval Liason Service

Department of Justice and Human Rights

Critical Assistance Mission – Liberator Team

Universe-Building Mission

Union Science Bureau

Union Economic Bureau

Union Omninetwork Bureau

Bureau of Colonial Administration

Union Bureau Of Orbital and Non-Terrestrial Management


  1. Lopez, M. & Parkinson Morgan, T. (2019). LANCER Core Rulebook. Massif Press. p. 351.