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The Swallowtail is Smith-Shimano’s primary long-range scouting and fire support platform, built for rapid and sustained ranging across hostile, volatile environments. Built for long-term sustainability, it can operate in unstable environs for months and maximize its survivability by adjusting its operating efficiency on the fly. Each unit has an integrated cloak and a suite of predictive choral intelligences that coordinate its highly developed sensor systems to rapidly simulate and predict tactical developments – sometimes before they even occur.

The Swallowtail’s base model, the SW-01, is one of SSC’s few mass-produced lines – the entry-level BELLA CIAO model. Built without a cloaking field and up-armored to address direct security requirements, the SW-01 is especially popular among the rank and file troopers of Constellar Security forces. [1]

  1. Lopez, M. & Parkinson Morgan, T. (2019). LANCER Core Rulebook. Massif Press. p. 184.