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Seeing GMS and Harrison Armory’s push to secure whole-fleet line contracts with Union member states, IPS-N launched a brief foray into design and production of their own main battle line frame. Enter the Raleigh, a stylistic and design oddity for IPS-N.

Designed not as a specialist, but as a purpose-built, closerange mech, the Raleigh failed to stun potential clients in trials.Though a favorite of test pilots due to its unique styling and agility, the Raleigh saw few fleet orders and, after a brief run as IPS-N’s flagship, was quietly rolled back and replaced with the Tortuga. No longer offered as a fleet contract, the Raleigh enjoys a quiet popularity among pilots seeking a wellbalanced, if close-ranged, line mech.[1]

Core System


IPS-N’s M35 Mjolnir cannon is a carryover from Northstar’s Watchman line of defensive weapons, reworked for frontline combat. The Mjolnir is a hard-mounted, multi-barrel auxiliary cannon that uses magnetic acceleration to fire stacks of airburst projectiles at its target. It’s an impulse weapon, tied to the pilot’s second-tier neural processes with mediation from a comp/con or NHP; even in death, a pilot’s Mjolnir will continue to identify and attack hostile targets until reaching total systemic failure. For this reason, the Mjolnir is often referred to as a deadgun – one of many such weapons to be found among CQB-oriented pilots.

Thunder God

Active (1CP), Protocol

You start to spin your M35 Mjolnir up, beginning with no chambered rounds. For the rest of the scene, you load two rounds into chambers at the end of any of your turns in which you haven’t fired the M35 Mjolnir . It can hold a maximum of six rounds.

When you fire the M35 Mjolnir, all chambers fire simultaneously, dealing 4 kinetic damage per loaded round. If you fire four or more rounds at once, the attack gains AP and, on a hit, your target becomes Shredded until the end of their next turn.

Core Integrated Equipment: M35 Mjolnir

Main CQB, [Range 5] [Threat 3] [4 Kinetic]

1/round, when you reload any weapon, this weapon can be fired as a free action.


License I

Hand Cannon

Auxiliary CQB, Loading , Reliable 1, [5 Range] [3 Threat] [1D6 Kinetic]

The IPS-N hand cannon is a licensed version of GMS’s Type-I Pistol, adapted for a much heavier caliber. This modification requires the belt-fed system of the GMS build to be swapped for a cylinder or magazine-based system, depending on the specific model of hand cannon.

BB Breach/Blast Charges

Deployable , 2 SP, Limited 3, Unique, Grenade, Mine, Quick Action

Equipment Actions

Thermal Grenade (Quick Action) [Range 5] [Blast 1] [1D6 Energy]: Throw a Thermal Grenade within Range 5. All characters within a Blast 1 area must succeed on an Agility save or take 1d6 energy. On a success, they take half damage. Objects and terrain are hit automatically and take 10 AP energy damage.

Deploy Breaching Charge (Quick Action): In addition to adjacent free spaces, this mine can also be planted on adjacent walls, pieces of cover, and terrain. Once armed, this mine must be detonated with a quick action. Characters within the affected area must succeed on an Agility save or take 2d6 AP explosive damage. On a success, they take half damage. Objects and terrain are hit automatically and take 30 AP explosive damage.

Breach/blast charges offer a mil-spec twist on the industrial blasting charges developed by IPS-N for asteroid mining. The IPS-N BB charge features a more volatile blend of high explosives designed to cause massive structural damage to mechanized chassis, starship bulkheads, armored vehicles, bunkers, and other hardened structures.

  1. {opez, M. & Parkinson Morgan, T. (2019) LANCER Core Rulebook. Massif Press. p. 144.