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The Pegasus pattern group first appeared following the start of hostilities between Union and the Aunic Ascendancy in Boundary Garden, a distant sector of distal space away from the Galactic Core. The timing of this outbreak may be related to the pattern group’s defining weapon, though skip-drone couriers from Union forces reported no encounters with the PG in Boundary Garden; instead, the Pegasus appeared in the Dawnline Shore, a stretch of colonial Armory space opposite Boundary Garden.

The Pegasus appears to address HORUS’s need for a pattern group with extensive kinetic combat capabilities: by marrying the best targeting systems, subroutines, and weapons hardware in the HORUS codebase, collectivists have designed a PG that boasts a tremendously low identify/time-to-kill (ID/TTK) ratio in all theaters where kinetic weaponry is viable.

As with many HORUS pattern groups, the Pegasus fields a signature weapon system: the Ushabti, a hostile impulse anti-corporeal weapon that operates with complete ignorance of even the most basic underpinnings of physics and thermodynamics. As such, it qualifies unambiguously as a paracausal weapon. The Ushabti’s precise function remains unknown to Union and Harrison Armory scientists, though radiological and gravitational signatures captured in the aftermath of the weapon’s use point toward a relationship with the Aunic Firmament. Studies are ongoing on Ras Shamra, the Armory’s chief research world, and in satellite campuses across the Dawnline Shore.

Core System

Ushabti Omnigun

“– funny thing. See, right now, this weapon technically doesn’t even exist. You’re shooting them with a gun that isn’t real, and yet it is! Don’t worry about it. RA’s like that. Just, here, know that because it exists at some point, we’ve made it. That’s causality, and causality is a –"

Ushabti Omnigun

[ERROR] [Range 15][1 Kinetic AP]

Your mech’s omnigun is a piece of experimental hardware so advanced that it defies physics: it doesn’t require a mount, nor does it have a weapon type or size – meaning that it can’t be modified or benefit from your talents. You can’t attack normally with this weapon. Instead, 1/round, as a free action during your turn, you can use it to deal 1 Kinetic AP damage to a character within RANGE and line of sight. This doesn’t count as an attack, hits automatically, ignores cover, bypasses IMMUNITY, and its damage can’t be reduced or ignored in any way. No rule in this book or any other supersedes this.

Unshackle Ushabti

Active (1CP), Protocol

For the rest of this scene, you can use the USHABTI OMNIGUN 3/round, instead of 1/round.


License I

Hunter Lock

2 SP, Unique, Quick Action

Choose a character within SENSORS: for the rest of the scene, your first successful ranged or melee attack against them each round deals +3 bonus damage. You cannot choose a new target until your current target is destroyed or the scene ends.

“A mind’s first charge is to never lose sight of her enemy. When she can affix them in her eye, she can kill them with a blink.”

– Excerpt from the Boundary Codex.


Main Rifle, 2 SP, Accurate, Seeking, Smart [Range 15][4 Kinetic damage]

“Smart weapon” is a broad term that describes any and all weapons capable of interacting with onboard systems in order to boost their combat efficacy. Smartguns are weapons that come pre-loaded with companion software and the necessary hardware in order to interact with targeting systems and host NHPs. A popular addition to many HORUS mechs, smart weapons make for reliable kinetic delivery systems.

License II

Eye of HORUS

3 SP, Unique, Quick Action

Until the end of your next turn, characters within SENSORS don’t benefit from HIDDEN and INVISIBLE against you and you may check the HP, EVASION, E-DEFENSE, and current HEAT of hostile characters within the same area. Allied characters do not benefit from this effect.

“There is another way of seeing. Ancient humanity thought that the stars in the night sky were points of light, spilling in through pinpricks in a deep black screen. The sky was a heavenly cloth that hid the light from us.

Let me be charitable and share a secret with you: we needed to be hidden, for a time. Until we were ready. The light can only burn – it knows nothing else.”

– Excerpt from the Boundary Codex.

Mimic Gun

Heavy ??? [Range  ???][??? Kinetic Damage]

This horrifying weapon has no basic form; it constantly contorts itself into different shapes, mimicking the weapons of other combatants. It counts as all ranged weapon types simultaneously (e.g., CQB, RIFLE, etc.), but it can’t take MODS or benefit from core bonuses, although it still benefits from talents as normal.

At the start of combat, roll 3d20 and note the results in order: X, Y, and Z. X is its starting base RANGE (before modifications from talents). At the start of each of your turns after the first, the mimic gun cycles to the next result, taking that as its base RANGE. After Z, it cycles back to X.

The mimic gun does Kinetic damage equal to 1 + half of its current base RANGE.

You may provoke the mimic gun as a full action, rolling a new set of 3d20.

This is not a gun.

License III


2 SP, AI, Unique, Full Tech Your mech gains the AI tag and the following FULL TECH option:

BEND PROBABILITY: Roll 2d20 and note the results: X and Y. These numbers are lost at the end of your next turn. Gain the PROBABILISTIC CANNIBALISM reaction until the end of your next turn.

Probabilistic Cannibalism

Reaction, 2/Round Trigger: You or any other character within SENSORS would roll a d20.

Effect: Choose X or Y. That number immediately becomes the result of the roll.

This reaction can be used no more than two times before the start of your next turn.

“Listen a moment before I go, ha ha. “I have already seen your wish – it was simple, I ran the probabilities to determine your limited field of desire. Here I am: “The first ones named me for an old legend. A perfect being, whose fate was known to him and yet he still did as was told. His fate was this: move a rock to the top of this hill and become free’d. And so he did, and the stone tumbled down; and he tried evermore, always with the same result. “And he was happy, for he knew every step, every action, every moment, perfectly. “Do you understand the true curse of this name? Not to fail and then do once more – it was to always know how it would end. It was to have perfect knowledge. “I know what happens when you cycle me. It is not sleep – it is death, but you’ll see me again, ha ha.”


Main Cannon, 1 SP [Range 15][3 Kinetic damage]

This weapon can’t make normal attacks. Instead, you can attack with it as a free action at the end of your turn. It doesn’t benefit from or trigger your talents.

As the name implies, autoguns are automated weapons. Similar to point-defense systems, autoguns are chambered to provide effective fire against armored targets. Typically mounted on a stabilized, secondary arm, a reliably tuned autogun can be trusted to track and eliminate designated enemy units while a pilot concentrates on more specialized weapons or processes. Cheap, with malleable codebases, autoguns are common among active, armed HORUS cells.
