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The IPS-N Lancaster is a mil-spec variant of an older IPS-N civilian terrestrial, inter/outer-hull transport and maintenance chassis, streamlined for use in any theater. The Lancaster features multiple redundant systems and sophisticated interaction projectors to ensure pinpoint accuracy when engaging with delicate systems, whether damaged or intact.

Lancaster pilots often adopt roles as sappers and engineers in frontline support. Sometimes ridiculed for piloting the old-fashioned frame by newer, untested pilots, veteran Lancaster jockeys know the truth: the Lancaster is one of the most reliable and well-made mechs out there, indispensable on any serious long-range mission. Not every mission is won with bullets, lasers, and bombs: without the engineers and their Lannies, few of those hotshots would come home alive.[1]

Core System


Known colloquially as a “Wingman”, latch drones are companion drones carried by and deployed from a chassis. Pilots are recommended not to develop emotional attachments to these drones due to their high casualty rate.


Quick Action

Your Latch Drone clamps onto an allied mech within its Range. For the rest of the scene you take 1 heat at the start of each of your turns, but your target gains +1 accuracy on all attacks, checks, and saves, and Immunity to the Impaired, Jammed, Slowed, Shredded, and Immobilized conditions from characters other than itself. This effect ends if either character becomes Stunned.

While this system is active, you cannot use the Latch Drone for any other purpose.

Core Integrated Equipment

Latch Drone

Integrated Mech Weapon, Main Launcher, [Range 8]

This weapon can’t make normal attacks. Instead, choose an allied mech within Range and line of sight and make a ranged attack against Evasion 8. On a hit, either you or your target may spend 1 Repair to restore half your target’s HP.


License I

Cable Winch System

1 SP, Quick Action

Activate Cable Winch System: These cables can be attached to an adjacent character. If the target is Stunned or willing, you automatically succeed; otherwise, they can resist with a successful Hull save. Once attached, you and the target may not move more than 5 spaces away from each other. Either character can tow the other, obeying the normal rules for lifting and dragging, and becoming Slowed while doing so.

Any character can remove the cables on a hit with a melee attack or Improvised Attack against Evasion 10.

These cables can also be used to drag, pull, or otherwise interact with objects and the environment. They are 5 spaces long and can support a combined Size 6 before they break. Characters can use them to climb surfaces, allowing them to climb without a Speed penalty.

A winch system consists of an externally mounted spool of nanocarbon-weave cable and a recovery subroutine installed on the mech.

Restock Drone

Drone, 2 SP, Limited 2, Unique, Quick Action

Expend a charge to deploy a restock drone to any free, adjacent space, where it primes at the end of your turn.

Deploy Restock Drone (Quick Action)

Restock Drone Stats: [Size 1/2] [HP 5] [Evasion 10] [E-Defense 10]

While adjacent to this drone, allied characters can activate it as a quick action, clearing 1d6 heat and one condition, and reloading one Loading weapon. After being activated, the drone immediately disintegrates.

Reliable and sturdy drones carrying integrated printers, restock drones allow for limited logistical flexibility via autosalvage. The bulk of a restock drone is made of RawMat, a blend of silicates and metallic materials that the drone processes into replacement parts and repair kits. This is why pilots often joke that restock drones are, simply put, “mech snacks”.

License II

Mule Harness

2 SP, Unique,

Extra mounts, straps, and hard points allow other characters to climb and ride your mech. Adjacent, non-Immobilized characters can climb onto your mech as a quick action. While riding, they occupy the same space as you, move when you move (even if they’re Slowed), and benefit from soft cover. If you or a rider are knocked Prone, Stunned, Immobilized, or destroyed, they land Prone in adjacent spaces. Riders can climb down as part of any movement away, but can only climb onto your mech as a quick action.

You can carry riders of a combined Size equal to your Size, minus Size 1/2 (e.g., if your mech is Size 1 you can carry one Size 1/2 character; if it is Size 2, you can carry a Size 1 character and a Size 1/2 character).

The Multiple User, Light Entanglement (MULE) Harness is a mass-produced version of a common battlefield modification that allows friendly soldiers to ride along on a chassis. Some systems are large enough to allow smaller chassis to accompany larger chassis; typically, these variants are employed in high altitude, low orbit insertions where reduced radar presence is required.

Whitewash Sealant Spray

2 SP, Quick Action

Activate Whitewash Sealant Spray (Quick Action)

This sealant can be sprayed on characters or free spaces within range 5 and line of sight. It has different effects depending on the target:

  • Hostile Characters: Your target must succeed on an Agility save or they become Slowed until the end of their next turn and clear all burn.
  • Allied Characters: Your target clears all burn but they become Slowed until the end of their next turn.
  • Free Space: Any fires within blast 1 are extinguished and the area becomes difficult terrain for the rest of the scene.

For fire suppression and fast, temporary seals in punctured starship bulkheads, IPS-N offers a range of single-use, single objective nanites – “whitewash”. This sealant spray can also be used to restrain noncompliant actors when the correct spray heads and catalytic formulations are installed to the applicator.

License III

Cutter MKII Plasma Torch

Aux Melee, 1 Heat (Self), [1 Threat] [1 Energy] [1 Heat] [1 Burn]

This weapon deals 10AP energy to objects, cover, terrain, and the environment.

Plasma cutters were tools first: simple blades built to toggle and sustain a plasma sheath, making it easier to cut metal. Repeated ad hoc use of cutters as personal defense weapons against pirate boarding parties convinced IPS-N of the need for a mil-spec variant of the civilian tool – the Cutter, now in its second generation. The Cutter MkII feeds directly from the mech’s power core, with a port to attach power packs in case of cord severance. Although the cutting edge can be shortened to a knife length, its most popular setting is the “cutlass”, a medium-length option perfect for balancing reach and maneuverability in close quarters.

Aceso Stabilizer

Shield, 3 SP, Limited 3, Overshield, Shield , Unique, Quick Action

Activate Aceso Stabilizer (Quick Action): Expend a charge to fire this small, self-arming system onto an allied mech within range 5. They gain Overshield equal to your Grit +4. While they have this Overshield they gain Immunity to Impaired and Jammed.

The IPS-N Aceso Stabilizer is a useful triage measure for any scoring and minor mechanical damage that is sustained in the course of combat engagement or negative environmental interaction. Thanks to its negligible processor demand, Aceso Stabilizers can even be controlled by comp/con units – this allows the pilot to concentrate on complex repairs or immediate threat neutralization.

  1. Lopez, M. & Parkinson Morgan, T. (2019) LANCER Core Rulebook. Massif Press. p. 136.