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Like many newer HORUS “frames”, there is no standardized Hydra model. Instead, the designation is a title given to chassis that meet the specifications of the Hydra pattern group – as outlined in Union’s Universal Threat Assessment Manual. The Hydra, like many other pattern-group HORUS mechs, is particularly dangerous in the field, as its precise function is concealed until hostilities begin in earnest.

The Hydra is capable of tactically dismembering itself into multiple independently controlled drones, an unnerving phenomenon frequently utilized to deadly effect. With the manifestation of HORUS’s Balor pattern group, the Hydra’s place in HORUS history is clear: a precursor to the Balor virus, the Hydra relies on larger sections of disarticulated chassis rather than nanite clouds for its differentiated battlefield advantage. Despite its more conventional appearance, the Hydra presents a sobering threat to non-HORUS pilots, as its disarticulated drones field a compliment of powerful anti-armor weaponry.

Core System


First encountered by Union technicians in early Forecast/GALSIM facilities following the Deimos Event, OROCHI was an early manifestation of what was later called the swift-flock phenomenon – a behavior observed in leaderless, autonomous hive drones where individual units combine into a single swarm and follow each other, operating leaderless in physical space with uncanny and unpredictable autonomy; in essence, organizing like birds in a flock.

The original manifestation was initially thought to be the impulse-driven remains of a crashed subaltern transport drifting through microgravity; deeper examination proved the original manifestation to be composed of many hundreds of disarticulated subalterns moving with a discernible pattern. The swarm viewed itself not as a machine or a collection of machines, but as a single mind, duplicated across multiple units. This mind was classified as an NHP, given their current codename – OROCHI – and remitted to Venus for further study. At a later point, the hardware comprising OROCHI’s physical form(s) went missing from containment. The investigation is ongoing.

[I did it, I folded space and freed them, I just thought you should know]


Orochi Drone (SIZE 1/2, [5+GRIT] HP, EVASION/E-DEFENSE [see below], Tags: DRONE)

Your mech contains powerful, integrated drone companions. At creation, choose a single DRONE to accompany you from the following:

GUARDIAN DRONE: This drone projects a shield. Ranged attacks against adjacent allied characters receive +1 Disadvantage.

SNARE DRONE: As a reaction, you may force characters that start their turn adjacent to this drone or move adjacent to it for the first time in a round to make an AGILITY save. On a failure, they become IMMOBILIZED. They only cease to be IMMOBILIZED when the drone is destroyed or no longer adjacent, or they succeed on an AGILITY save as a quick action.

SHREDDER DRONE: As a reaction, you may force characters that start their turn adjacent to this drone or move adjacent to it for the first time in a round to make a HULL save. On a failure, they take 1 Kinetic damage and become SHREDDED until the end of their next turn.

HUNTER DRONE: As a reaction, you may force characters that start their turn adjacent to this drone or move adjacent to it for the first time in a round to make a SYSTEMS save. On a failure, they receive LOCK ON.

Your OROCHI drones share your EVASION, E-DEFENSE, and SPEED. They can move independently on your turn, but can’t take any other actions. If you can fly or teleport, they can too.

If an OROCHI drone is within SENSORS, you may recall it as a quick action, integrating it into your mech’s body where it cannot be targeted. You may redeploy it to a space within SENSORS as a quick action.

When you rest or perform a FULL REPAIR, you may choose a different drone to accompany you; additionally, your drones regain all HP and are automatically repaired if they were destroyed.

Full Deployment

Active (1CP), Quick Action All four OROCHI drones are deployed to separate points within SENSORS; they remain active for the rest of the scene. You may recall or redeploy any number of them at a time.


License I

Ghoul Nexus

Main Nexus, Smart[Range 10][1d3+2 Kinetic or Explosive or Energy] On Attack: Choose this weapons damage type.

Ghoul nexuses command some of the largest viable drones in modern combat. These drones are slightly smaller than an average human—metal cylinders bristling with hardpoints suitable for most infantry-level anti-mech weapons. Propelled by VTOL/hover-capable jet systems, Ghoul drones are fearsome, all-theater autonomous units that are difficult to track and take down.


2 SP, Unique, Quick Tech

Gain the following QUICK TECH options:

GUIDE THE FLOCK: Move any number of drones within SENSORS – including those belonging to other characters – up to 4 spaces in any direction.

ELECTROPULSE: Characters of your choice within SENSORS adjacent to any DRONE or DEPLOYABLE, even those they own, take 2 Energy damage.

Developed by HORUS collectivists, H0r_OS-Rv60 EXP PUPPETMASTER is an interesting piece of anti-drone software. It doesn’t invade a target’s main systems, instead attacking their auxiliary drone-command systems. This sideways attack evades most electronic countermeasures by targeting the subcognitive networks of enemy drones. Once inside a network, PUPPETMASTER spreads ontological-kill memes like wildfire through enemy swarms, eventually following the network traces back to their origin and corrupting the parent nexus.

License II

Ghast Nexus

Heavy Nexus, Drone, Smart[Range 10][1d6+3 Explosive damage] This weapon may be used to attack as normal, or deployed as a DRONE with the following profile:

Ghast Nexus (SIZE 1/2, HP 5, ARMOR 2, EVASION 10, E-DEFENSE 10, Tags: DRONE)

This Ghast nexus can be deployed to a free space within SENSORS and line of sight as a free action, where it becomes a stationary, hovering DRONE. Once deployed, you may still use it for SKIRMISH and BARRAGE attacks as though it is still a weapon, but with line of sight and RANGE traced from its location.

You may recall or redeploy the Ghast nexus as a quick action. Until recalled or destroyed, it remains deployed until the end of the scene. If destroyed, it follows the rules for destroyed DRONES and can’t be used until repaired.

The Ghast is an up-armored, up-armed version of the smaller Ghoul drone; Ghast drones boast an upgraded flight system capable of wielding mech-tier weapons within optimum parameters, and can operate independently from their host chassis or as an integrated weapon. In Hydras, Ghast drones generally act as thoracic segments, providing armor to core systems: powerplant, cockpit, NHP caskets, etc.

Tempest Drone

2 SP, Drone, Quick Action

Tempest Drone (Size 1/2, HP 5, EVASION 10, E-DEFENSE 10, TAGS: DRONE, RESISTANCE to all damage)

This large, armored tempest drone may be deployed to a free space within SENSORS and line of sight. Any character that starts their turn adjacent to the tempest drone or moves adjacent to it for the first time in a round must succeed on a HULL save or take 4 Energy damage and be knocked 3 spaces directly away from the drone.

You may recall or redeploy the tempest drone as a quick action. Until recalled or destroyed, it remains deployed until the end of the scene.

The Tempest protocol is a cunning little piece of code that can be uploaded to any broadcast-forward drone, making it – in true HORUS fashion – difficult to detect prior to activation. The protocol is a simple one: an aggressive zone-denial memetic that blasts target systems and NHPs with a strong subjective override, instilling a sharp aversion to certain subjects, areas, and ideas.

License III

Annihilation Nexus

Superheavy Nexus, AP, Smart [Burst 2][1d6+3 Energy damage] On Attack: You can make a second attack with this weapon at the start of your next turn as a protocol. This secondary attack can’t deal bonus damage, and doesn't trigger additional secondary attacks.

You may center this weapon’s attack on either yourself or any of your DRONES within SENSORS.

“A storm of bladed death” – nanites organized into maniples, released from a chassis’ onboard nexuses or single-use firing tubes in a burst of filament rings so sharp they slice away at their targets on the molecular level. The visual effect of a maniple being launched is often compared to tinsel being fired through atmosphere.

Assassin Drone

2 SP, Drone, Quick Action

Assassin Drone (SIZE 1/2, HP 5, EVASION 10, E-DEFENSE 10, TAGS: DRONE)

This assassin drone may be deployed to any free, adjacent space. Upon deployment, it targets a Blast 2 area of your choice within line of sight and SENSORS and you gain the AREA DENIAL reaction (usable any number of times a round).

You may recall or redeploy the assassin drone as a quick action. Unless recalled or destroyed, it remains deployed until the end of the scene.

Area Denial

Reaction Trigger:A hostile character starts movement in or enters the area targeted by your assassin drone.

Effect:You can make a ranged attack against them with the drone, gaining your GRIT as a bonus to its roll, and dealing 3 Kinetic damage.

Assassin drones are used as area-denial weapons – persistent systems intended to occupy or deny an area against enemy combatants. Fired from a launcher, given simple directives, and equipped with a nearly inexhaustible power supply, assassin drones are capable of securing an area indefinitely.