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Most humans don’t think to ask about the history of the water they drink, the earth they walk, or the air they breathe. And yet, without water, earth, and air, there would be nowhere for humanity to make a home.

Just the same, the GMS-SP1 “Everest” is often taken for granted, its importance dismissed in favor of other, more specialized frames. A plain and unpretentious mech, defined by simple lines, functional grace, universal compatibility, and sturdy bulk, the Everest is as fundamental to the modern mechanized chassis as the natural world is to human life. The Everest isn’t the most specialized mech, but it is the backbone of our expansion imperative. From its shoulders, humanity steps.

-- LANCER Core Rulebook, p. 122

The Everest, also known as the GMS Standard Pattern 1 (GMS-SP1), is one of three standard patterns manufactured by GMS, and the only GMS frame available in the Core Rulebook. It is the first frame available for LL0 pilots, along with all other GMS gear.

The name "Everest" was first used by pilots, beginning from a rookie pilot's usage of the title for his SP1 as GMS did not have a naming convention for their patterns at the time. This was then later officially adopted by the company.[1] The pattern does not provide specialization for a specific type of combat, allowing for universal compatibility with other weapons and systems on top of a reliable, strong frame, marking it as "the galactic standard".[2]


  1. Lopez, M. & Parkinson Morgan, T. (2019). LANCER Core Rulebook. Massif Press. p. 122.
  2. Lopez, M. & Parkinson Morgan, T. (2019). LANCER Core Rulebook. Massif Press. p. 118.