Dusk Wing

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The Dusk Wing originated as a legacy-inspired modification package to EVA suits, intended to equip them for hazardous environments. In the early days of deep-space exploration, there was a need for mechanized exoskeletons that not only amplified capacity but enhanced kinetic defense. The Dusk Wing is the spiritual heir of those early deep-space suits. Fast and small, it carries a complement of all-theater maneuverability jets that allow for near-perfect flight.

After the DHIYED expedition, the Exotic Materials Group isolated and translated strains of the entity’s realspace expiry paracode, teleologics, and kinematics for use in electronic and systems warfare. Of the frames trialed for use with DHIYEDderived technologies, the Dusk Wing performed best. As a result, it is often used by SSC’s internal Constellar Security forces when esoteric defense is necessary.[1]

  1. Lopez, M. & Parkinson Morgan, T. (2019). LANCER Core Rulebook. Massif Press. p. 168.