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In Lancer, Damage can be dealt by weapons, systems, traits, dangerous terrain, falling, etc, etc... Damage taken is subtracted from HP, and is either Kinetic, Explosive, Energy, or Burn. Heat is not considered a damage type. For lists of equipment that deal each damage type, head to the respective page.

Bonus Damage

Bonus Damage is a special type of damage dealt. It is granted by any number of systems, traits, and other features. For a full list of features that deal bonus damage, please visit the page. Bonus damage is unique in that it cannot be BURN (Unless piloting a Tokugawa). When an attack deals damage in an Area of Effect, each character affected only takes HALF of the total Bonus Damage applied by the attack.

Calculating Damage

When damage is taken, a character may have Armor, Resistance, or Immunity to the damage. If the character has armor, that value is first subtracted from the damage dealt by the attack, unless the damage is either Burn or Armor Piercing. After the armor value has been subtracted, resistance is applied, halving the applicable damage (In Lancer partial values are always rounded up).





When characters take BURN, it has two effects: first, they immediately take BURN damage, ignoring ARMOR, and then the character marks the burn they just took. At the end of their turn, characters with burn marked must roll an ENGINEERING check. On a success, they clear all burn currently marked; otherwise, they take BURN damage equal to the amount of burn currently marked.

Failing the ENGINEERING check does not increase how much burn is marked, it just prevents the currently marked burn from being cleared. If a character is hit by multiple sources of BURN, the character still only makes one ENGINEERING check.