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While the public perception of GMS may be that of a stolid, conservative manufacturer, Union devotes substantial resources to the research and development of new armaments and technological breakthroughs in order to maintain or exceed parity with galactic-tier actors such as Harrison Armory or the Karrakin Trade Baronies. Under development by Union's Advanced Projects Special Research Agency in conjunction with General Massive Systems, the Chomolungma is a newer and more technologically advanced frame using the standard GMS Pattern I design as a base.

The Chomolungma is a specialist chassis, trading out weapon hardpoint mounting capability for additional sensors, comms/transmission arrays, and advanced GMS e-war systems including cutting-edge systemic intrusion software packages and recursive-weave hyperprocessors. In light of recent conflicts, Union has begun increasing distribution of Chomolungma licenses among both regular and auxiliary units to keep pace with evolutionary developments in battlefield tactics and technologies.