Black Witch

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The Black Witch is the flagship model of SSC’s LUX-Iconic line of frames, on paper meant to compete with Harrison Armory’s dominance in the field of cutting-edge gravity and electromagnetic manipulation. Utilizing the newest technologies developed by SSC’s Exotic Materials Group, the Black Witch is a fearsome area-control platform, often fielded in support of heavier mechs engaged in direct combat.

With a slim profile and strong defensive systems, the Black Witch is especially popular among the wealthier houses of the Karrakin Trade Baronies, who often place multiple orders to outfit their personal guards and house company officers. Next to internally produced Baronic frames, the Black Witch (alongside other SSC LUX-Iconic models) is the most popular SSC chassis throughout noble Karrakin space.[1]

  1. Lopez, M. & Parkinson Morgan, T. (2019). LANCER Core Rulebook. Massif Press. p. 160.